• Introduction

    Hello Viewers,

    I’m gonna overhaul this blog a little and add all my Youtube gaming review into the blog as I am more active in youtube videos then I am in blogging.

    Watch more DayZ, Mechwarrior Online, Arma 3 videos at OffshoreSHO Youtube Channel <-Click Here

    Don’t forget me please =0

Impressive graphics. This is one of the first games actually using a frostbyte 3 Engine for a game other then Battlefield. I have high hopes for this game but it will only be out on FALL 2014. Its continuing the story left behind from the first 2 games. And again the developers have changed combat style and from what i see now it looks and plays EPIC. Pre-Order please.  

This is how zombie games are suppose to be. Everything you need to know is in the video above. Few months to go before its release. This is in my pre-order list. Enjoy.

I've always loved the first lost planet but part 2, not so much. Regardless of what the reviews say. This is a good game to spend time on. 

Mix feelings about the gameplay in todays hard to please gamers. To tell you the truth i played it for the story and nothing more, this goes the same for Starcraft 3.

Enjoy the cinematics. Blizzard has always been good at making cut scenes.

There are already too many reviews of these products on the web and i don't intend to go any further with it. But i have yet to find a review of which between ECLIPSE 2 & SEIDON M240 is better?

Well i got both of them and played Battlefield 3 and Crysis 3 and these are the temperature difference between the two Coolers on an OC'ed AMD FX 8120 at 4.3Ghz, one hour on each game. Water + Air or Air. Their both Decent and the Eclipse 2 is cheaper.

These are the temperature results as I was playing both games.  Temperate goes Min / Ave / Max.

Coolermaster Seidon M240

Spire Eclipse II

As you can see the Seidon M240 won, the result which was to be expected as it is a close loop Water cooling product. However on a really cold day the Seidon M240 can reach a minimum temperature of 16C. 

Just take into consideration if the Eclipse 2 ever dies on you, you could always change the fans alone but if Seidon M240 dies on you, you got to get a new Seidon M240.

Hope this helps guys.


Metro: Last Light Review

Posted by Offshore On 8:31 PM 1 comments

Welcome to the METRO

The continuation of the story from Metro: 2033 base on a novel.

I was blown away by the graphic and gameplay of 2033 that i never ever forgotten about it and i never saw Last Light coming, so when i heard it was gonna be release i was excited like a baby awaiting to be given a new toy. Well from the first game as most of you have played, i for one wondered if killing the aliens was a good thing? They did not harm him in anyway, so the action Arytom took in the first game baffled me. They just didn't seem evil to me.

Skies are clearing and the view is Awesome!

They have a new range of guns ingame a better storyline which explains the hero Artyom and his connections from the first game, Metro: 2033. (I'm trying not to spoil the story for you, forgive me my lack of explanation)

Citizen's take refuge underground and discuss daily life.

I'll get to the point now and just to let you know, this is an amazing game and really worth the money. There are not many games that really get my interest, the giant mutant bear, giant spiders, the usual monster of the first game and there were at least 3 boss mutants. Currency still runs on military grade bullets which you can use, the 3 factions still the same, Reds, Nazi & Rangers, Ranger being the neutral of the 3 and you do not have a choice of following. But you do have a choice to make in some part of the game that effects the little guy following you. (Who is that? No spoiler) 

This is a game where you can go with guns blazing or stealth your way to save bullets and either throw a knife, grenade, flame bomb or land mines. The plot of the story keeps you interested and you get flash back of what the citizen saw before the nukes hit the city and realize the mistakes of the past of Artyom's doing, he did not blow up russia, just the aliens from the first game.

Another nice view.


- Worth the money.
- Good plot to the storyline.
- Very good action.
- AI are not dumb but aren't smart either but gives you a challenge. 
- I like monsters.

If i had to give a figure of 1 to 10 (1 lowers & 10 Highest score) for this game i would gladly give it an 9. 

 I base the game score on the price, story length, gameplay, Action, story's plot, environment. 


Posted by Offshore On 11:42 PM 0 comments

Becareful when your looking for COD: Ghost Gameplay online. There are a lot of fakes. In one video i found myself watching the intro of Crysis 2 and people on the comment actual thought it was COD: Ghost.

Well the above video i posted is the actual gameplay. Enjoy.


Posted by Offshore On 5:42 PM 0 comments

This isn't a game but it sure look like one. Worth showing.

I Pre- Ordered. Have you? I'm very sure this game won't be a waste of your hard earn cash. I hope we get a more accurate date.

EA Pulls Medal of Honor ‘Out of Rotation’ - IGN

Well this is bad news indeed for FPS gamers. It was a graphically good game with a nice story, even better then most games. However like i said before, it was too short a game and kinda OK multiplayer however is wasn't enough.

Seriously all they needed was to make the singleplayer longer with more action not everyone plays a game for multiplayer and alot play the games for the story. Making a longer storyline makes consumer think highly of what they paid for. More Content, more satisfaction.