• Introduction

    Hello Viewers,

    I’m gonna overhaul this blog a little and add all my Youtube gaming review into the blog as I am more active in youtube videos then I am in blogging.

    Watch more DayZ, Mechwarrior Online, Arma 3 videos at OffshoreSHO Youtube Channel <-Click Here

    Don’t forget me please =0

EA Pulls Medal of Honor ‘Out of Rotation’ - IGN

Well this is bad news indeed for FPS gamers. It was a graphically good game with a nice story, even better then most games. However like i said before, it was too short a game and kinda OK multiplayer however is wasn't enough.

Seriously all they needed was to make the singleplayer longer with more action not everyone plays a game for multiplayer and alot play the games for the story. Making a longer storyline makes consumer think highly of what they paid for. More Content, more satisfaction.


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