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    Hello Viewers,

    I’m gonna overhaul this blog a little and add all my Youtube gaming review into the blog as I am more active in youtube videos then I am in blogging.

    Watch more DayZ, Mechwarrior Online, Arma 3 videos at OffshoreSHO Youtube Channel <-Click Here

    Don’t forget me please =0

Battlefield 3 Third Video

Posted by Offshore On 9:53 AM 0 comments

I can't say anything. Take my money and gimme my game. Thank you

I had problems embed the video from official website, however thanks to the people on Machinima posting their video on youtube, we can have a look.

What i'm happy to see if that we might see a lot of new armors and not the usual we saw in Morrowind & Oblivion. I always wanted new armors in these kind of games, my biggest question about this game is "Are we gonna fight Dragons like in this video?" It would be nice and if anyone can do it, its the great people of Bethesda Softworks.

This game is gonna go all crazy on our computer hardware. Upgrade people.

Get a Good Graphic card (560, 6870, 6850), CPU (3Ghz above) and minimum 4GB of ram and you should be set.

Rage - You to see this

Posted by Offshore On 8:20 AM 0 comments

Bethesda Softworks are really working hard this year. Releasing two games in one year with high expectations by thousands maybe millions of gamers waiting for their two most known games "RAGE" and "ELDERS SCROLL". Rage i betting is inspired partly from FALLOUT 3 & FALLOUT New Vegas, since it is a desert and called wastelands with many broken down buildings. But what sets it apart would be the graphics, if its anything like the video than i would call it a masterpiece of this day. Benchmark anyone??

Alice: Madness Returns DEMO Gameplay

Posted by Offshore On 6:53 AM 0 comments

I really didn't expect it to be like this. Alice actually has weapons. Thank to IGN here we can now take a look at Alice first Gameplay. Is that pussy in boots giving her clues? Where's his boots?

Alice has a machinegun like weapon. Now why didn't the original author think of that?


Razor Naga Molten

Posted by Offshore On 5:03 AM 0 comments

The naga are former Highborne night elves who mutated into vengeful humanoid sea serpents in the world of warcraft tales. I even read the novels.

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  • 2 Razor Stickers
  • Razor's Naga Grind Trainer

Razor has release another version of the Naga's gaming mouse made for MMO's and are one of the favorites to date. I was blessed enough to get a close look at the mouse at the expense of my brother since this Naga actually belonged to him.

Pretty Lights~~~~ The naga definitely has the looks, but i expected it to be bigger cause it looks bigger in the pictures (Yes this is the year time i seen this mice in person). Well i like the mice to be BIG. The biggest mice for MMO i have seen so far is the Steel Series Warcraft Mice. It fits my whole hand.

Now lights OFF ~~~ As i look closer at the mice it strike me. DOTA Players rejoice, this is the mouse for you. For those who still play WARCRAFT III, yes its for you too. I found it very easy to set the button to everything i needed in-game. Take my word but be WARNED, your gonna need a little computer skill to customize it to your needs.

The twelve buttons on the side of the Naga is the key to YOUR success, Yes i said YOUR success. It doesn't matter if your playing Warcraft III, DOTA or World of Warcraft, how you use it is how it will work.

A closer look at the keys here. Their easily reached, to get used to this your gonna need Razor's Grid Trainer. Their small stickers you place on the keys to help you get used to where each buttons are located.

The Molten has a nice feel to it, It feels like Quality. I will be honest here. I had bad experience with Razor, namely Razor Lachesis & Adder. Adder didn't last me 1 Year and it was a limited Edition of Command & Conquer, Lachesis i got during my honeymoon. That lasted 1 year half.

But maybe i was unlucky cause friends of mine, YES FRIENDS more then one had really good experience with Razor where all of their mice lasted more then 2-3 Years.

Cracks! hehe Get it? If you didn't then thinking about it longer. That's all i got for you today. Like always ENJOY GAMING!!

Finally an Actualy gameplay of the game. Ladies & Gentlemen i present you BATTLEFIELD 3 the Gameplay. Prepare to wet your pants.