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Activision Must Begin Multiplayer Fees

Posted by Offshore On 11:11 AM 0 comments

Analyst - Activision Must Begin Multiplayer Fees - PC News at IGN

This is very disturbing news. As a gamer i would purchase a game on it's features and price and one feature is to play my favorite Bad Company 2 game for free is one of them. If Bad Company 2 had a fee charge for playing i would have not bought the game in the first place. I would have never known what a great game it was and i would just have been happy, like when i didn't know Bad Company 1 in the past.

See where i'm going? Many gamers will possible skip the upcoming game which they have to pay for anyways. Sales will still drop and faster from my point of views.

It's not the community that pushes the game industry to piracy but the high prices of the games. Adding another $$ scheme won't help the industry the consumers will find other means. If only games where cheaper then piracy would be a thing of the past.

Guess i'm not gonna be puchasing any games under Activition if they decide to add fees.

Edit: Oh Lucky Battlefield is under EA


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