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    Hello Viewers,

    I’m gonna overhaul this blog a little and add all my Youtube gaming review into the blog as I am more active in youtube videos then I am in blogging.

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Games of March 2011

Posted by Offshore On 7:01 AM 0 comments

Release Dates

8th March 2011

Dragon Age 2

Dragon Age 2 has made a little difference in gameplay and made it into an action pack gaming experience to lure interest from player who aren't into the whole pause and action, although you can still do that in Dragon Age 2 the developers has mention that it won't necessary and normal enemies will die to fast to even bother. A few more weeks to go.


22nd March 2011

Crysis 2

Crysis 2 Mulitplayer looks very interesting the possibility of having so much power is a great lure indeed and its an improvement from the first crysis multiplayer. But the truth is there are classes and each ability you will need to gain experience before you are bestowed these blessed skills and abilities. Basically you have the assault, you made a hole in the ground by jumping into the air and smashing the ground with everyone in range, Tracker / Invisible tracker who has the ability to see where your enemies once were and follow their tracks to them, snipers obviously what war type game wouldn't have a sniper and maybe the possibilities of mix and match.

Dungeon Siege 3

It looks like Dungeon Siege 3 has taken a new direction of gameplay by making it a 2 player co-op. Looks nice and i wonder if it has a singleplayer.

29th March 2011


Like the game spores attracted many through evolution we so much enjoyed....for some at least. Darkspore provides a co-op action that has many gamers wondering if they spend their hard earn cash on a developer who made Sim's. They got my interest and i hope they can deliver.

All these games are just the frosting on the cake this year. Hope these will last me till the next best batch of games. And yes i didn't add F.3.A.R here cause i didn't want to yet. Why? I'm not sure myself. The game has eluded my interest for some reason.

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