• Introduction

    Hello Viewers,

    I’m gonna overhaul this blog a little and add all my Youtube gaming review into the blog as I am more active in youtube videos then I am in blogging.

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My Gaming Rig 2011

Posted by Offshore On 10:51 PM 0 comments

Here we are in 2011, And even i have upgraded to stay a foot behind the requirements needed.

Games like Crysis 2, Dragon Age 2, Elders Scroll: Skyrim and many others. All need a decent gaming rig to not only run the games smoothly but to experiences the detailed graphics which brings these games to life.

My Gaming Rig

AMD Phenom X2 3.2Ghz @ Unlocked X4 3.602Ghz - Xigmatek Red Scorpion
MSI 870A-G54 - I'm actually having problems plugging in my earphones and the sound drivers go nuts.
2x4gb 1333mhz Mushkin Silverline DDR3 Memory (8GB)
Sapphire 6870 1GB 900/1050
Acbel 550W Gold (6 Years and counting - This is why if you can spare the dollar, you get your moneys worth)

Benchmark using Fraps i get the following Results all running with 1440 x 900 Resolution

Battlefield : Bad Company 2 Direct 11 running at Max Graphic with 8XAA
MIN FPS - 15
MAX FPS - 78

I'd like to also mention that i tested this on Black Ops, Crysis Warhead, Crysis & Dead Space 1.

I would be better if i describe my gaming experience with you then show you numbers. Lets face the truth, not everyone knows what the numbers represent.

So what i experience with the games and my Gaming Rig is as follows:-
2. MAX Graphics for all games. I Lowered Bad Company 2 AA's to X8 cause i experience a slight stuttering when i get hit by mortars & explosions.
3. Smooth Gameplay.

There isn't Much to tell but i'm enjoying myself to the MAX.


LOGITECH G500 Laser Mouse 5700DPI
ZBOARD FANG (Product discontinued-But the best gaming pad i every had)
Razer Mantis Control
SAITEK RUMBLE FORCE Gamepad (I Believe this is also a discontinued product)

Click on the product to see their specs at Official Sites.


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