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    I’m gonna overhaul this blog a little and add all my Youtube gaming review into the blog as I am more active in youtube videos then I am in blogging.

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Cities of Allods Online

Posted by Offshore On 6:01 PM 0 comments

City of League - Novograd

The city has the peaceful look to it. This alone tell you the game designers really took detailed design as an important feature to the game. As I played my Trickster Gibberling through the town I found it organize and easy to navigate myself around the city and never once had any difficulty looking for anything I needed. First time MMO players should come to the league.

The City of the EMPIRE!

This is all you need to see. It looks like Russia. And I had to go to the next quarter to take this picture of the grand castle of the EMPIRE! Again I say very much detail was put into the design of the building, i would dare say better than some of the best MMO around and let me remind you the game is FREE TO PLAY. Why didn’t I place more images of the city? Well looking at this image is enough and you better experience it firsthand yourself. But the empire hasn’t had it all good, rebels, termites, elemental, undead arisen are in the city doing some damage and it’s your job as underlings to deal with them. I found it VERY HARD to navigate around the city, THANK YOU programmer for putting in the quest finder otherwise all would be lost and NOOBS would be stuck in the city for weeks.

Everything can be found here


And again I say farewell until next time for more info in the games


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