• Introduction

    Hello Viewers,

    I’m gonna overhaul this blog a little and add all my Youtube gaming review into the blog as I am more active in youtube videos then I am in blogging.

    Watch more DayZ, Mechwarrior Online, Arma 3 videos at OffshoreSHO Youtube Channel <-Click Here

    Don’t forget me please =0

Jam Jar

Posted by Offshore On 9:44 AM 0 comments

Jam Jar

One of the best DayZ players out there and excels in Close combat. He is one of MrBlack0ut81's compatriot, his videos are mostly fun video which range from social experiments, game show style gameplay to paintball in DayZ but the best series he has is THE DIARY OF ISAAC. It will amaze you and it is a short series, why? You better watch it. And his videos sometimes crossovers of MrBlack0ut81, what you don’t see in MrBlack0ut81 videos you will see from Jam Jar’s point of view. MUST WATCH

The Diary of Isaac - Episode 1 - DayZ Standalone


The Diary of Issac is base on rule which are
1. One Life
2. Blood drawn by a zombie leaves the player infected. (Result in certain death)

The Journey - Ep.1 - DayZ Standalone (Featuring Mr.Blackout)

The Journey is another video base on the same rules as The Diary of Isaac but a different storyline.

Enjoy his videos, their aren't easy to make.

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