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Mechwarrior Online MASTERY PACKS SAVE 50%

Click on the image above to get more details direct 
from Mechwarrior Online's Official site.

Mechwarrior Online has some Mastery Packs on sale. I would say that its a good deal. Each comes with a champion mech. 

Firestarter is a devil of a light mech that can carry more Medium Laser then any other Light Mechs.

Centurion is one of the fastest Medium Mech, they carry little weapons but some of its variants can carry AC20 that will put any Mech on their Knee's. 

Cataphract, one of my favorites, all variants has their own specialty.

Stalker's one of my favorites as well. I have mastered this mech and i would say its one of the best assault mech till this day. 

Considering the Clan Tech Mechwarrior's are for the RICH. This would be a nice buy cause it comes with 30 days premium time. Enough for you to master 2 kinds of mech and enough time to earn enough credits to get another kind of mech. In my eyes this is best for those who are considering to start playing Mechwarrior Online.

Below is a video of me in my Stalker Misery Hero Mech.

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